Friday, December 2, 2011

0 Modernization Affects Marriage and Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy and Marriage in the Modern Society

With technological advancement and modernization, the value of marriage has declined in most modern societies. Relationships falling apart have made couples therapy a necessity in saving marriages. Couples therapy, also called marriage therapy, has become one of the most sought after services these days. From trivial matters to serious conflicts between spouses, therapists and counselor are called for. The dependence on couples therapy and counseling has created a new commodity in a modern society. As marriages face problems in communication, intimacy, and finance on a daily basis, the situation is usually escalated by stressors such as career problems, children, and the rapid changes in technology that sometimes brings a person home irritated and in a bad mood.

Modernization, Marriage and Couples Therapy

Roles Modernization has played a vital role in marriage problems. By shifting the society's focus on career, money, fame, and other things that the media supports, the values of marriage have degraded immensely. Without proper guidance, if one thinks about the movies and TV shows that portray fictional families, marriage values are misunderstood. This has huge effects on how couples view their relationship, putting wrong meaning to the word 'marriage'.
Therapists and marriage counselors play a vital role in the modern society. The lack of proper guidance and example in marriage necessitates that they provide them through marriage couples therapy. Although, their main goal is to help the couple resolve conflicts and differences, formulate strategies for solving them and provide an atmosphere where the couple communicates their feelings and thoughts. Marriage counselors also remind couples about the reason they got married in the first place. Was it love? Yes, love must be the reason. Because love is the foundation of a marriage and what makes it strong to weather problems and trials in the relationship.

Modernization Supports Couples Therapy in Helping Marriage Cope

One cannot entirely blame modernization for marriage problems in society. New and advanced technology has introduced internet, chatting, text messaging, e-mails and every other forms of communication that makes communicating easier even in long distances.
Couples therapy and counseling takes advantage of these advancements to make it easier for couples to access them anytime and anywhere. Communication technology made it possible to conduct Telephone and Online Counseling, which is a fast growing industry.

Counseling for couples should not be the couple's last resort, rather their first consideration as soon as feelings of resentment start to appear in the marriage. Couples should not take for granted the importance of counseling in their relationship. Choices range from psychotherapists who specialize in marriage counseling and even Christian counselors, depending on what the couple feels fit for their situation. The important thing is to recognize the real problems and their causes in order to address them accordingly. There is no absolute evil, only that people want to blame other factors for their marriage problems. Marriage is still founded in love, since the beginning of time and although modernization might cloud its meaning, couples still play the major part in preserving their marriage.

The is for families, partners and individuals who need relationship counseling. This will help couples to communicate better to have a healthier relationship. I have created and molded it through time to provide tips, advices and reviews for couples that can help them with their relationship and they can find this online.

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